Azonne Overview

Hosted IP-PBX

Image description Azonne Hosted IP-PBX provides businesses with phone system features and functionality with limited hardware purchases. In most cases the customer only needs telephones and a broadband Internet connection.

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Virutal Conference Bridge

Image description Azonne virtual voice system is different from the general conference calls, regardless of when and where each of the participating members of the Conference, only connected to a local telephone number can body in the partners around the world for voice conference.

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Call Center Solution

Image description AZONNE hosted call center features is that enterprises need to establish a complex and expensive hardware infrastructure can be in customer service, marketing, and information collection, the three business areas for strong support.

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Network Integration Service

Image description AZONNE 's is a full-service provider of integrated engineering solutions that extend beyond the single-box approach and create measurable results for designing, upgrading and expanding enterprise networks.

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